Fight Inequality Alliance’s first Annual Report - “Confronting power - to win the fight against inequality” - celebrates the achievements of the last 12 months and shares the road ahead for the movement to win our struggles in the coming decade.

Read the full annual report here

The Fight Inequality Alliance started in 2016 with a clear mission: to bring together a growing global movement to counter the excessive concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a small elite. 

Seven years later we have grown from small beginnings to a movement of tens of thousands across the globe. This – our first - Annual Report is a celebration of all we have managed to achieve in the last 12 months and a reflection on the approaches we need to take to win our fight in the future.  

This movement is at a turning point. Around the world inequalities of power, wealth, gender, race, class, caste and identity are increasing with devastating consequences for all but the very richest. This is a rallying call for our movement, to achieve the change we seek we need to scale-up over the coming decade to become the biggest movement yet challenging the power of the 1 percent. 

2023 - the year of mobilising for Peoples’ Alternatives

We achieved some notable successes this year nationally in the fight for wealth taxes, standing up against IMF debt and austerity measures and more. Globally we mobilised for Peoples’ Alternatives with sign ups in 50 countries, and through peoples’ caravans, assemblies and tribunals. These culminated at the World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings in Marrakech, where our Peoples’ Alternatives Tribunal verdict called the institutions the “biggest scam of the century”.

2023 - the year of building the movement we need

This year saw the inaugural class of the Global Organising School, for young leaders from 13 countries. Significantly growing the layer of young leaders across the movement from different working class and marginalised backgrounds is critical to the future. We also held our first face to face Global Gathering since 2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal with members from 15 countries sharing, learning, celebrating and planning with each other.

2023 - the year of creating a roadmap for the future

As we fight for changes on the inequality issues that are affecting our members and societies across the globe, we also need to build alternatives - a blueprint for the economic system that replaces neoliberalism, built by the people most affected.

To meet this challenge, in 2023 we agreed on a new 10-year Roadmap – which lays out our ambition and our strategy to galvanise mass mobilising and organising across the world. This will be accompanied by political education on the structural causes of inequality and organising skills.