Fight Inequality Alliance is a growing global movement organising and mobilising to counter the excessive concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a small elite. We are building a just, equal and sustainable world.

  1. We are inclusive and respectful for all, regardless of race, gender, age, religion, sexual identity, class, caste, disability, ethnicity, geographic location.
    Our Values-We are inclusive and respectful for all, regardless of race, gender, age, religion, sexual identity, class, caste, disability, ethnicity, geographic location.
  2. We collectively build a mass movement of people fighting inequality that engages a wide and diverse range of organisations and individuals. 
    We collectively build a mass movement of people fighting inequality that engages a wide and diverse range of organisations and individuals. 
  3. We use a feminist and intersectional approach to our organising and movement building.
    We use a feminist and intersectional approach to our organising and movement building.
  4. We act in solidarity and community with each other nationally and regionally, and to act together globally on our shared agenda.
    We act in solidarity and community with each other nationally and regionally, and to act together globally on our shared agenda.
  5. We foreground the leadership of those on the frontlines of inequality – women, young people, social movements – in our movement building.
    We foreground the leadership of those on the frontlines of inequality – women, young people, social movements – in our movement building.
  6. We make decisions on a consensus basis at national, regional and global levels, with broad consultation with the membership. 
    We make decisions on a consensus basis at national, regional and global levels, with broad consultation with the membership.
  7. We are non-violent in our approach.
    We are non-violent in our approach.

Read about the Alliance’s Common Principles that we live.