Join us this month for global action in response to the World Economic Forum in Davos.

What? A global mobilisation taking place across the world as a counterpoint to the World Economic Forum’s Davos meeting. Read more about Davos here.

When? Thursday 18th of January 2024

Where? Nationally, regionally and globally. There will be a combination of national assemblies of 1000+ people, projections, and mass digital action.

Who? Each year in January, members of the Fight Inequality Alliance mobilise across the world. We demonstrate that large numbers of people on the frontlines of the inequality crisis are organising and demanding we tax the rich, and build Peoples’ Alternatives to create a more equal future.

In October of 2023, we pushed for more taxes on the rich, and as a result there are changes happening in Zimbabwe and Mexico in 2024. But just because we had a few wins, that doesn’t mean it’s time to back down.

That’s why we’re starting off the year with a strong statement: Tax the Rich, Not the Poor!

Events and actions are taking place around the world in Mexico, Ecuador, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Nepal and more.

How Can I Get Involved?

  1. If you can’t join an event in person, join us online on the 18th of January with  #BlackBandThursday action.

  2. Share our posts on social media:          

  3. If you can, join an event! See the map below for a list of events going on around the world, contact us, or contact your national alliance.


Disclaimer: Be sure to take strict Covid-19 prevention measures as you organise or attend any face-to-face event or gathering. Mask up, social distance, sanitise and stay safe.